25 January 2009

The Beginning

A little bit of background on why this blog was created...

  • I graduated with my Master's last April and have been bored ever since. Yes, I work full-time, but have been trying to find a hobby to take up some of my free time.
  • I asked my boyfriend for a Nikon D60 camera for Christmas, thinking that photography would be a good outlet for me. He got it for me, and I have to admit, I was pretty intimidated by it just at first glance.
  • The more I read about DSLR cameras, the more overwhelmed I became.
  • Oh, and I live in Michigan where the average temp since Christmas has been absolutely bone-chilling cold. I'm talking about where your skin freaks out and turns red when you step outside for 30 minutes. Negative numbers folks, so no outdoor pictures yet.

Essentially, this blog will be a combination of some awful cliche shots in combination with a couple shots that may have potential for being framed with an adequate amount of Photoshop Elements work. That's another thing... I'm trying to learn Photoshop Elements 7.0 so I'm sure I'll share frustrations and tips with that part of the project also.

If you're thinking, "What is the project you're speaking of Alicia?" I'll tell ya. It's informally named "Operation: Frustrate-the-hell-out-of-myself-while-trying-to-do-something-creative." My left brained ways and Type A personality are going to battle this one out, that's for sure. I'm pretty sure that my psyche is NOT going to like this activity. I'll probably bitch, moan, and complain about it the entire way through, but in some sick and masochistic way, I'll be thrilled if I can manage a couple pictures that I feel are good enough to hang in my apartment.

It's all about challenging myself, in an entirely different way.